divendres, 19 de desembre del 2008

Marc Guillemot, skipper of Safran:

Currently out here we have around 20 knots of wind, between 18 and 23. The sea is rough, but probably less than when I arrived. The sun is out, which means I can open the door up and see what is going on. I've had Yann on the VHF. He has been sleeping, so I took advantage to get some sleep too. So at that point I moved away from him slightly, but now we're back close to each other with about a mile between us. I'm going to try to get close to his stern and toss him a bottle of water. I'm going to stay here for as long as it takes. 3 days, 10 days, whatever. The race was yesterday. Now we've moved on to something else. I had a similar experience a few years ago. I'm just trying to talk to him, to reassure him. The subject doesn't matter. He knows he can rely on me. It's more of a psychological help than a physical one, but that's important, because in general it's the head that looks after the rest of the body. That will help him, while he awaits the arrival of the rescue team.
No crec que es pogués expressar millor. Això està passant ara, ara mateix. Com si estéssin jugant el Barça i el Madrid, en directe, i sembla que no importi que dos amics s'estiguin ajudant a 1460 km d'enlloc. La notícia no la trobareu a cap diari, ni a cap televisió, ni enlloc si no es fa un esforç enorme per buscar-la.
"The race was yesterday. Now we've moved on to something else"

divendres, 12 de desembre del 2008

Raonament Darwinista sobre la crisi econòmica

Una branca d'una la família dels mamífers rosegadors va anar estirant el coll per poder arribar més i més amunt, ves a saber perquè, a la vegada que l'apèndix que formava la "cua" d'aquests mamífers va anar desplaçant-se cap amunt. En algunes famílies de fòssils s'han descobert branques on aquest desplaçament s'observa per la part posterior i d'altres per la anterior. En el primer grup apareix un graó entremig on es pot identificar l'evolució de l'apèndix en forma de banya. Curiosament però, i essent aquest el fet que més posa en desacord a la comunitat científica ambdues famílies semblen desembocar en un element comú on aquest apèndix, lluny de desaparèixer, resorgeix penjant de l'alçada del coll. S'ha anomenat apèndix "corbata", en honor a la tan coneguda i elegant peça de vestir.

És a dir:

Avui en dia es podria afirmar que tota rata porta una corbata.